Bay Aging along will other senior service providers will host the next installment of their Aging Well Speaker series on Thursday, March 27th beginning at 2pm at Rappahannock Church of Christ in Warsaw. This lecture[...]
FYI Northern Neck is a monthly lecture series that highlights subjects of interest to the residents of the Northern Neck. The March lecture will be held on Thursday, March 27th, at 7 PM, in the[...]
The Northumberland Public Library will host their Teen Broadcasting Group the 4th Friday of every month from 3:30-5:30pm for all students age 12-18. Write and produce your own news stories in the NPL Studio. Snacks[...]
The Northern Neck Master Gardeners are hosting their 31st annual Gardening in the Northern Neck Seminar on Saturday March 29th at the White Stone Church of the Nazarene from 8:45am to 3pm. This year’s event[...]
Congratulations to Lisa Goodall of Urbanna, WINNER of $105.50 in the WRAR-WIND VINEYARDS Who’s Minding the Store Contest!
Lisa guessed Martin Sale Furniture in Tappahannock where Cliff, Maria, Stan & Elizabeth are Minding the Store. Congrats Lisa and thanks for Listening to 105.5 WRAR!!!
Rappahannock State Baseball Championship Game 6/8/24