FREDERICKSBURG – Drivers should avoid travel in the Fredericksburg area, Northern Neck, and Middle Peninsula until temperatures rise later Tuesday morning as icy road conditions may be present.

Wet pavement from Monday’s snowstorm could refreeze across the Fredericksburg District this morning, creating hazardous conditions for travel. Icy conditions are more likely on bridges, ramps and overpasses, which freeze first.

Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) crews treated Interstate 95, primary roads, and high-volume secondary roads for icing overnight, and treatment continues this morning. A mixture of sand and salt is being applied to reduce icing and improve traction for motorists. If travel is essential, motorists should use extreme caution, reduce speed, and add distance between vehicles.

An additional round of snowfall Monday night required VDOT crews to re-plow and treat Interstate 95, primary roads, and secondary roads that carry high volumes of traffic.

Current road conditions in each region of the district are listed below, but updated conditions are available on 511Virginia at

Fredericksburg Area

  • I-95 is in minor condition. Travel lanes are clear of snow, but icy conditions may be present this morning until temperatures rise.
  • Primary and high-volume secondary roads are in moderate condition, with partial snow coverage in travel lanes.
  • Low-volume secondary roads, including subdivision streets, are in severe condition, which means travel lanes are fully covered by snow.

Northern Neck

  • Primary roads in Lancaster, Northumberland and Richmond counties are in minor condition. Travel lanes are clear of snow, but icy conditions may be present this morning until temperatures rise.
  • Primary roads in King George and Westmoreland counties are in moderate condition, which means that travel lanes are partially covered by snow.
  • All secondary roads in the Northern Neck are in moderate condition, which means that travel lanes are partially covered by snow.

Middle Peninsula

  • Primary roads in Gloucester, Mathews and Middlesex counties are in minor condition, with travel lanes clear of snow, but the potential for icy patches. Primary and secondary roads in the remainder of the Middle Peninsula are in moderate condition, which means that travel lanes are partially covered by snow.

What Residents Can Expect: Plowing

Making all state-maintained roads passable following this week’s winter storm will be a multi-day effort. Over the next three evenings, temperatures are expected to fall below 20 degrees, which will make removing packed-down snow and ice more difficult.

VDOT cannot provide a specific time when a plow will arrive on individual streets. Low-volume secondary roads and subdivision streets will be treated after higher-priority routes are completed and additional resources are available.

VDOT crews anticipate working intently Tuesday and Wednesday to make more neighborhood roads passable.

A road in “passable” condition is defined as:

  • An 8- to 10-foot-wide path that provides access for emergency vehicles
  • Driveable with extreme caution, but is snow-packed, and it is not bare pavement or plowed curb-to-curb
  • Crews will sand hills, curves, and intersections to help with traction

Some subdivisions will have received an initial visit from a snowplow on a main route, to provide access for emergency responders, but crews will return to visit all state-maintained streets and cul-de-sacs.

VDOT crews will continue working 24 hours a day, in 12-hour shifts, until reaching all state-maintained roads. VDOT has more than 1,100 pieces of equipment available to plow and treat roads across the district. Heavy equipment has been brought to the Fredericksburg area to assist with removing packed-down snow from intersections, crossovers, and other locations where snow is challenging to remove in cold temperatures.

Winter Weather Resources