The Lancaster Community Library presents “Guardians of the Golden Years”, a senior scam prevention seminar series. Their next seminar, “Unmasking the Scammers: Common Online, Mail & Phone Senior Fraud Scams” will be on Thursday, March[...]
The Lancaster Community Library Creative Writing Group will meet on the first Thursday of each month from 6-7pm in the LCL Children’s Library. For more information, call 435-1729.
The March food pantry at St. James Episcopal Church in Montross will take place on Saturday, March 8th from 9 – 10 AM. New guests can register on-site at the pantry. Volunteers are needed to[...]
The Northumberland Public Library will host their Bibliomania book club for students grades 9-12 the first Friday of every month from 3:30-5:30pm. Talk about your favorite books, what you are currently reading, and more! Coffee,[...]
The March food pantry at St. James Episcopal Church in Montross will take place on Saturday, March 8th from 9 – 10 AM. New guests can register on-site at the pantry. Volunteers are needed at[...]
Congratulations to Joanne Hall of Village, WINNER of $105.50 in the WRAR-WIND VINEYARDS Who’s Minding the Store Contest!
Joanne guessed Allison’s Ace Hardware in Lottsburg where Nancy, Greg & Joey are Minding the Store. Congrats Joanne and thanks for Listening to 105.5 WRAR!!!
Rappahannock State Baseball Championship Game 6/8/24
King William State Softball Championship Game 6/8/24
Why Warriors Heart is Opening 2nd Veteran and First Responder Healing Center in Virginia