FREDERICKSBURG – Next week, the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) will begin to build a dedicated right turn lane on Route 3 (Main Street) onto Route 688 (James B. Jones Memorial Highway) in the town limits of Kilmarnock in Lancaster County.
The $1.1 million project will enhance safety, reduce congestion and improve mobility.
Crews will build a dedicated right turn lane from eastbound Route 3 to Route 688. It’s designed to accommodate truck traffic, as through trucks must use Route 688 to avoid a through truck restriction on a portion of Route 3 in Kilmarnock.
The project contractor is Graham Concrete, LLC, of Richmond.
Starting Monday, March 3, travelers will see crews mobilizing, staging equipment and installing temporary work zone signs.
Weather permitting, work is expected to be complete by June 2025.
According to a recent VDOT traffic count, approximately 11,000 vehicles a day travel through the intersection.
Project Background
Lancaster County submitted an application to build this project through Virginia’s SMART SCALE transportation funding program.
SMART SCALE was established to choose the right transportation projects for funding and ensure the best use of limited tax dollars. Potential projects that have been determined to meet a need identified in VTrans – the state’s long-range multi-modal transportation plan – are scored based on safety, congestion, accessibility, land use, economic development and the environment.
Once projects are scored and prioritized, the Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB) has the best information possible to select projects for funding.
To view how funded SMART SCALE projects are advancing toward construction, visit the SMART SCALE Dashboard.