U.S. Senator Mark Warner was in the Northern Neck Monday where he participated in the morning at the Northern Neck Community Leaders meeting hosted by the Town of Warsaw.

Guest speakers included Warsaw Town Manager Joseph Quesenberry, Richard Schollmann with All Points Broadband, Jerry Davis of the Northern Neck Heritage area and RCC President Dr. Shannon Kennedy.  Senator Warner then took questions from the attendees.  Following the Warsaw meeting, Warner traveled to Irvington and was greeted by a crowd of more than 300 people from all over the Northern Neck who were on hand for the opening of “Phase 1” of the TriWay Trail in Lancaster County.  Warner spoke about the commitment of the volunteers who spearheaded the project of 9 plus miles of walking, biking and hiking trails when completed.  Warner presented a bi-partisian check for the project for $988,000 from Warner and U. S Senator Tim Kaine and Congressman Rob Wittman.