WASHINGTON — Today, Congressman Rob Wittman (R-VA-01) reintroduced the bipartisan Freedom to Invest in Tomorrow’s Workforce Act, which would permit the use of 529 account funds to pay for post-secondary training programs. This will help more Americans obtain and retain well-paying jobs that don’t require a traditional four-year degree.

Congressman Wittman was joined by U.S. Reps. Jennifer McClellan (D-VA-04), Suhas Subramanyam (D-VA-10), Kevin Hern (R-OK-01), Steven Horsford (D-NV-04), Brad Finstad (R-MN-01), John Larson (D-CT-01), Mike Collins (R-GA-10), Mike Carey (R-OH-10), Jimmy Panetta (D-CA-19).

“Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) and Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs are essential to the future development of our nation,” said Rep. Wittman. “The majority of America’s workforce consists of middle-skill jobs that require more than a high school education but not a bachelor’s degree, and key industries are struggling to find adequately trained workers to fill these roles. We have a responsibility to prepare students for the demands of our 21st century workforce and economy, and we must do everything we can to expand access to resources to afford postsecondary education and career training. The Freedom to Invest in Tomorrow’s Workforce Act will help students in Virginia and across the nation secure in-demand, well-paying jobs, and I look forward to working with my colleagues to advance this bill so we can equip students with the necessary skills to succeed in the job market of tomorrow.”

The legislation aims to broaden the scope of qualified expenses under 529 savings plans to include postsecondary training and credentialing, including licenses and non-governmental certifications. The bill would provide tax-advantaged resources to families, students, and workers — regardless of whether they possess a college degree — pursuing career growth, mid-career changes, or pathways diverging from traditional academic routes.

“Now more than ever, we must take every step to strengthen our nation’s workforce and provide Americans with the resources to acquire the skills and training necessary to obtain good-paying jobs,” said Rep. McClellan. “By expanding the utility of 529 accounts to pay for post-secondary training programs, we can create new opportunities for economic mobility and avenues to long-term success. The Freedom to Invest in Tomorrow’s Workforce Act will empower hardworking Americans to obtain training and careers in burgeoning industries that would otherwise be out of reach.”

“Our workforce is rapidly evolving with the rise of technologies like artificial intelligence and investing in the next generation of workers through STEM and CTE programs is vital to maintaining our economic advantage,” said Rep. Subramanyam. “That is why I am proud to support the Freedom to Invest in Tomorrow’s Workforce Act, which will help more Virginians access workforce training programs to give them the skills they need to help them, their families, and their businesses succeed across the Commonwealth.”

“Our skilled labor workforce is dwindling while millions of students are racking up incredible debt in pursuit of four-year degrees that they may never use in the workforce,” said Rep. Hern. “Trade school played a critical role in my life, helping me work as a welder and provide for my family while I was still a teenager. We need more students pursuing these kinds of programs, which will train them for high-paying jobs and help them begin their careers without the heavy weight of student loan debt. I am proud to co-sponsor this legislation to allow 529 accounts to be used for post-secondary training programs.”

“Nevadans want to invest in their future through education just as much as they want to invest for their future with 529 accounts,” said Rep. Horsford. “Allowing the use of 529 accounts to pay for post-secondary training programs empowers my constituents – and every American – to chart their own course to a more rewarding career. At the same time, it ensures American businesses have the talent they need to thrive. This is a win-win that I’m proud to support.”

“I have traveled across southern Minnesota and have met with students participating in technical programs, as well as employers seeking to recruit those with specialized skills,” said Rep. Finstad. “Every student should have the ability to pursue the educational path that suits their talents. I am proud to join Congressman Wittman in introducing this legislation which will strengthen tomorrow’s workforce by making these essential programs more accessible and affordable for those with 529 savings accounts.”

“No one should be prevented from receiving the education and training they need to succeed because it is too expensive,” said Rep. Larson. “I am glad to join my colleagues in this bipartisan effort to make postsecondary training and credentialing more affordable and accessible so future generations are prepared to enter and excel in the workforce. I will continue to work with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to support workforce development, create good-paying jobs, and lower the cost of higher education and vocational training programs.”

Post-secondary training programs provide Americans with the tools they need to get good-paying jobs that don’t require a four-year degree. By permitting the use of 529 account funds to pay for these valuable programs, more Americans will be able to enter the workforce and access these jobs,” said Rep. Collins. “America’s industries are desperately trying to find well-trained individuals to fill these types of roles and we owe it to the next generation to help them get the skills they need to secure them. This is why I’m proud to co-lead on Rep. Rob Wittman’s Freedom to Invest in Tomorrow’s Workforce Act.”

“Four-year colleges aren’t the only path to success,” said Rep. Carey. “Parents and loved ones who want to put money aside for a child’s future shouldn’t be penalized if down the line, that child chooses to pursue on-the-job or technical education. We are proud to co-lead this legislation to ensure families can save for the future, whatever opportunities it brings.”

“Although 529 savings plans help families invest in higher education, they currently don’t cover the costs of essential workforce training and professional certifications,” said Rep. Panetta. “The Freedom to Invest in Tomorrow’s Workforce Act fixes this gap by allowing workers to use their 529 savings to obtain critical credentials, whether it’s a CPA license, a pilot’s license, or other professional certifications. Expanding these tax-favorable plans will help more Americans gain the skills they need for good-paying jobs.”

Last year, the Freedom to Invest in Tomorrow’s Workforce Act garnered the support of more than 140 cosponsors and more than 800 trade associations, professional societies, and businesses.

Throughout his time in Congress, Congressman Wittman has introduced and supported multiple pieces of legislation that would expand CTE accessibility, strengthen our future workforce, and improve our education systems, including, but not limited to:

  • PROPEL Act: Expands student eligibility for Pell Grants by allowing students to use these grants for enrollment in educational programs that consist of vocational or technical training, flight training, apprenticeship, or other on-job training.
  • Strengthening Career Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V): Expands access to CTE programs, helps schools create partnerships with the business community, improves and modernizes schools’ CTE programs, and gives states and localities more control over how to spend CTE dollars.
  • BUILDS Act: Provides federal grants to develop a skilled workforce within targeted infrastructure industries like transportation, construction, energy, information technology, and utilities industries.

Read the full bill text here.