Fans of ducks and geese and other water birds won’t want to miss an event this weekend.
The Inaugural Northern Neck Waterfowl and Wildlife Expo will be presented by the White Stone Volunteer Fire Department this Saturday and Sunday, March 15th and 16th. Expo hours are Saturday from 10 to 5 and Sunday from 10 to 4 at the White Stone Firehouse on Chesapeake Drive. Entry is $10 per person with children 12 and younger free. After 43 years, William and Pat Bruce who organized the Rappahannock River Waterfowl Show decided to retire. The volunteer firefighters decided to continue the tradition. The Expo will feature over 40 exhibitors and John Obolewicz as the “Artist of the Year” with his free show print to everyone purchasing a ticket. The decoy and waterfowl carving contest will be held Saturday at the Woman’s Club of White Stone. A special ticketed preview night gala will be held on Friday, March 14th. These gala tickets can be purchased on Facebook.