Rappahannock Community College’s Rappahannock Institute for Lifelong Learning (RILL) welcomes spring with a variety of classes ranging from flower arranging to positive thinking.

Brighten the season with “Floral Arranging Using Tropicals.” Accomplished floral designer Laura Anne Brooks will lead this one-day, hands-on class focusing on creating arrangements featuring both leaves and flowers. Students will leave with a professional arrangement of their own creation. Held March 26 in Warsaw from 1 pm to 3 pm, the cost is $45 and includes some materials.

Why is positive thinking and optimism challenging especially during an election season? Dr. Robert Chapman will discuss strategies for addressing negative thoughts and engaging in rational self-talk in his class, “The Challenge of Positive Thinking and Optimism as We Approach the 2024 Elections.” The cost is $25 and class meets Wednesday, April 3 and 10 from 1 pm to 3 pm at RCC’s Warsaw campus. This workshop is an objective look at current events without endorsing or opposing specific political agendas.

Microsoft Word: Tips for Productive Usage” explores elements of Word like the backstage view option; adding page numbers, headers, and footers; fixing spelling and grammar mistakes; and advanced features like tables, formatting, tabs, and more. Students need basic experience in Word. The cost is $45 and will be held April 4, 11, 18, and 25 in Warsaw from 1 pm to 3 pm.

Explore the history and evolution of pirates. In “Scourge of the Seas: Pirates in History and Today” students will learn about the day-to-day life of a pirate, weapons, tactics, and ships, legends and lore, and more. Taught by Michael Knapp, retired U.S. Government civilian intelligence analyst, the class meets on Tuesdays, April 9, 16, and 23 from 1 pm to 3 pm at RCC’s Warsaw campus. The cost is $35.

Advance registration and tuition payment is required for each class. RW-C residents receive a 50% discount; Blue Ridge Bank Golden Advantage members receive a 15% discount.

Register at www.rappahannock.edu/rill.

The Educational Foundation expresses sincere appreciation to Rappahannock Westminster-Canterbury for their generous support of RILL, and to the partnership with Blue Ridge Bank’s Golden Advantage. RILL, a program of the RCC Educational Foundation, provides educational opportunities and enrichment for adults of any age. Serving primarily senior citizens, the non-credit program provides a stimulating learning environment where seniors can share interests and experience, maintain social connections, and continue to thrive in their later years.