FREDERICKSBURG – The Virginia Department of Transportation will close Route 601 (Bush Mill Road) in Northumberland County starting Wednesday, Feb. 12 for repairs.

Bush Mill Road will be closed between Route 604 (Hazard Drive) and Route 611 (Gilliams Road) in the Heathsville area to allow crews to repair a box culvert.

It’s one of multiple structures undergoing repair as part of the $3.1 million maintenance project in the Northern Neck and Middle Peninsula areas to address scour. Scour is the erosion of soil around the foundation of a box culvert or bridge.

The posted detour route is nearly seven miles. Signs will be installed to direct drivers to the following routes:

  • Route 604 (Hazard Drive)
  • Route 201 (Courthouse Road)
  • Route 611 (Gilliams Road)

View an online detour map here.

Drivers are encouraged to use the most convenient alternate route depending on their destination.

Message boards will be posted tomorrow, Jan. 29 to alert travelers to the road closure.

The road is anticipated to reopen in early June, weather permitting.

Approximately 300 vehicles a day travel on Bush Mill Road, according to VDOT”s most recent traffic count.

To view the entire list of bridges scheduled for repairs, please visit the project page at