CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. — As a result of the weather conditions and its aftermath across the Commonwealth, the VHSL is canceling all state championship events for gymnastics, swimming and diving, and wrestling scheduled for Sunday and Monday. The VHSL will continue to prioritize everyone’s safety and well-being. As a result, the VHSL will now hold its state championships for gymnastics, swimming and diving, and wrestling next week with an announcement of dates, locations, and schedules to follow as soon as possible.
“The VHSL staff has been monitoring the severe weather conditions that have impacted different regions of Virginia. After communicating with several school divisions in those areas and the Governor’s issuing a State of Emergency for the Commonwealth, the VHSL has made a decision to cancel all VHSL state championships scheduled for this weekend.
“I want to thank the VHSL staff, venues, and tournament directors who worked hard to accommodate these events this weekend. Safety always has to be a priority for any school event. We cannot ensure that asking school divisions to have students travel on Saturday would be safe.
“VHSL staff are working tirelessly to reschedule events and finalize these plans as soon as possible. Once plans and schedules are finalized, we will post those schedules on our website and send out an advisory.
“The VHSL membership has always made it a priority to provide student-athletes with an enduring championship experience. We will strive to make that a priority. Please understand that with all of the cancellations, we may encounter challenges securing venues at this late date.
“Six high school sites will now host a one-day championship event for state wrestling versus the two-day event held at larger venues of past championships. Those venues are not available next weekend.
“Securing state swimming and diving venues poses unique challenges. Like wrestling, some original venues may be unavailable next weekend. The schedule for state swimming and diving could also depend on the availability of judges.
“Lake Braddock Secondary School is confirmed to host the state gymnastics championships on Friday, February 28, and Saturday, March 1.
“Again, we appreciate your patience as we work through this situation. Since we have no control over the weather, we must deal with the elements Mother Nature has provided. Fortunately, educators are flexible and deal with change often.
“We understand the uncertainty of schedule changes and appreciate your patience and understanding. Our goal is to allow all our athletes and schools to compete in state competitions.”
Thank you.
Billy Haun
VHSL Executive Director