In early July, Hurricane Beryl brought nearly 12 inches of rain, floods, and sustained winds of 140 mph to Jamaica. This category 4 hurricane left severe damage to the area, knocking out power and leaving many communities in darkness. The Jamaica Public Service Company (JPS) is tirelessly working to restore electricity, but the large scale of outages requires assistance.

In response to this call for aid, NRECA International has formed a team to assist with the storm recovery efforts on the Caribbean Island. Northern Neck Electric Cooperative (NNEC) is proud to announce that Gena Boarman, one of our dedicated and experienced lineworkers, has volunteered to join the team to help restore power to the St. Elizabeth Parish in Jamaica.

Hurricane Beryl has caused extensive damage to the power infrastructure in Jamaica, with numerous power lines down and damaged poles. Boarman will be joining a team of lineworkers who will head to the Caribbean later this year to work with JPS in these reconstruction efforts, primarily focusing on installing new wires and insulators.

“Natural disasters like Hurricane Beryl can leave lasting impacts on communities, and restoring power is a crucial step in recovery,” said Brad Hicks, president and CEO of NNEC. “We are incredibly proud of Gena’s willingness to assist in this effort. Her expertise and dedication represent the cooperative spirit and our commitment to improving the quality of life of those in need.”

Boarman’s participation in this mission highlights the cooperative principles of solidarity and support. Her previous international experience has prepared her for the challenges ahead, and she is eager to contribute to the restoration efforts in Jamaica.

“As a lineworker, when people are in need, I feel a responsibility to answer that call, and I am answering the call to help the people of Jamaica,” said Gena Boarman. “I look forward to working alongside my fellow lineworkers and the team at JPS, and I am thankful for the opportunity to participate with the co-op’s support.”

The team will remain in Jamaica for a few weeks, working long hours under challenging conditions to restore power. Northern Neck Electric Cooperative remains committed to supporting these efforts and applauds the dedication of all involved.